Is this nesting? In my 28 years I have never displayed even the smallest inclination toward either the domestic or the highly organised yet at 8 months pregnant these have both become my highest priority! Maybe it is nesting though I am more inclined to think it has a logical root. I am acutely aware that I will soon be spending a lot of time at home without a clue of what I'm doing, with the grateful receipt of this burden I decided to eliminate another; the need to look for/step over/clean around the majority of the items I use on a daily basis! Removing liquid faeces from a tiny wiggling bum has got to be easier when you can put your hand straight on the necessary weapons of ablution? Baby blues must be at least eased by a clear, calm environment? Life really does actually look like it does on Pinterest? No? None of these assumptions are true? I don't know how parenthood works? Shit. Anyway, on with the 'tour' (*shudder I'm such a Mommy Blogger cliche sorry!*)

First up, the changing unit! This was the first area that Fred and I set up, we wanted everything within easy reach but we didn't want anything to be cluttered. We have; nappies, spare cotton balls, nappy bags, wipes, talcum powder, more cotton wool in a grab jar, his grooming products in a basket and spare muslins for slipping under his booty to avoid skid marks on the mat. This drawer works from left to right in order of the urgency I expect to feel in trying to procure the item. This means that my more dexterous right hand can keep Prawn from shimmying into his own poo while my left can easily grab the most urgently required item from the left side of the drawer. Simples!

In the second drawer we put his baby grows and sleep suits. Are these under clothes? I imagine you put t-shirts and adorable itty bitty trousers on over them but the truth is I'm not sure you do! Anyway we organised these right to left with his First Size on the far right and his 0-3 Month moving left before finishing with two grab jars, one bibs, the other socks etc. The reasoning behind this (yes - completely over thinking) was that holding Prawn was now the less pressing issue since poo as a risk factor had been eliminated thus it could be managed by left hand leaving right hand to grab what's needed. It's just simple ergonomics (and the first signs of mental derailment).

In the last drawer is spare wipes and nappies etc. I bought 187 Size 1 nappies "just in case". Just in case he's an elephant? You may suspect that I have a slight nervous preoccupation with the baby's bowel movements, you would be correct. I've never actually changed a nappy but I have watched enough YouTube videos to know how horrific the experience can be. In my defence they say babies use 10-12 a day in the first while. 187 nappies / 12 nappies a day = 15.5 days worth of nappies. Not excessive. What is excessive is how many times I've said nappies in this post.

I know you're just dying to know what's in his grooming basket! Here it is! For bath time I thought it would be handy to have everything in a lift out container to take to the bathroom with us but also to leave in his changing unit for top and tailing/emergency spills. In here we have a few nappies and bags, assorted sponges, rash cream, body wash, baby oil, hand sanitiser (because I had some spare and needed to put it somewhere) cotton balls, hair brushes, nail clippers and wash clothes.

On to his wardrobe which (shockingly) has his clothes, towels and a few items he's not ready to use yet. His clothes are grouped according to size, I'm looking for wardrobe dividers but so far no joy! Beside his wardrobe is his first bed! We bought a Chicco Next2Me so naturally we will move this into his own room when he arrives. Eventually his crib will be here but
hopefully we will have moved house long before we have to build the crib! In his Chicco is his swaddling blanket and his Bump to Birthday
record which I HIGHLY recommend as a keepsake.

Lastly his pram and nappy bag. We got a Bugaboo Chameleon 3 because so many people recommended them. Bugaboo never reduce the price of their products but we just happened to be passing a Mamas and Papas at opening time on the very day that this one was marked as Shop Soiled and reduced by £300! Win! There was some stiff competition from other Mommies and a slight amount of stalking around the store from a particularly determined pair but we made it to the till unscathed! His nappy bag is just from Mothercare - we went for the cheapest one we could find! Why are they so expensive? £70+ for a hideous satchel??? Get a grip! This one is only marginally less hideous but significantly less expensive at £35.
And that's all! I expect this level of military organisation will last approximately 18 seconds once he's born!
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