1. Stocking up. On everything! I bought industrial quantities of nappies and wipes, meters of muslin cloths (and yet still could use more), enough onesies to clothe an orphanage, spare boxes of washing powder and extra toilet roll. In essence - anything that I thought would cause irritation if I were to run out! I also suggest bulk buying biscuits because visitors (there will be lots, some of which you won't know) like a biscuit with their tea.
Also (and this is TMI; faint of heart/males stop reading now) it will take a while for the lady area to recover. BUY CHEAP PANTS! And hoard those hideous maternity pads! This is no time for thongs, no one cares what Victoria's secret is, you need them black and baggy! Keep everything together in the bathroom, just trust me!

3. Making use of visitors. There is a price if you want to hold my baby! Usually that price is only making your own tea but for some (Grannies, Aunts, Good Friends) that price was loading the dishwasher, sweeping the floor, holding the baby while I did something or (for one poor aunt) changing lightbulbs. Obviously no well meaning acquaintances were exploited but I answered every empty "Do you need a hand?" with an enthusiastic "Yes please!"
4. Matching Pyjamas and Dry Shampoo. Bear with me, there will be days when you don't get dressed or wash your hair, if you are in possession of multiple pairs of jammies, a nice dressing grown and dry shampoo this becomes slightly less depressing and you may lounge with sartorial confidence. Did wonders for my mental wellbeing!
5. Baskets. These are so handy, we have a changing basket down stairs that has nappies, wipes, bags, creams etc. I love this and so do our babysitters, saves a trek up the stairs with a dirty baby! I also keep a basket of clean sheets and muslins under his crib for any projectiles that baby might launch during the night.
6. Organise, organise, organise. Seriously. Organise your shit! Go to Pinterest and search for "Changing Station Organisation", you'll be grateful! Ours hasn't changed in six weeks and it's been a godsend, so quick to grab everything that's needed! Since baby clothes are so tiny and baby will grow through the sizes in about 10 minutes its really handy to store them by size, especially once gifts start arriving! I had wardrobe dividers for hanging items and folded onesies into baskets for his drawers.
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