Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Maternity Hospital Bag

EDIT: Baby was born and the bag was used! During my short stay in hospital I was so grateful for this bag! Having fresh, full toiletries was a lovely treat, I've honestly never felt cleaner or had a better shower than I did immediately post birth! Likewise the extra PJs for the next morning, it was just what I needed to feel 'normal' again. As for baby having his first outfit and nappy in a clearly labelled bag was SO handy, as it was the midwife who ended up dressing him (hello diamorphine Mommy!) The midwives advised against the witch-hazel 'padsicles' that are all over Pinterest and called them a "bacterias' paradise". Yikes! Glad I didn't track them down now. In short this was EVERYTHING I needed.  

Have a little peak at what I'll be bringing in my maternity bag! I found preparing the hospital bag to be a really relaxing activity, to me labour felt a bit daunting so being super organised ahead of time allowed me to feel calm and much more in control. Before settling on this kit I read dozens of maternity bag checklists on Pinterest, blogs and baby support groups so there's nothing in here that's new or surprising, especially for those who've given birth before. I also like to travel light and figured I'd have enough to do helping a human exit my body than root through a pile of unnecessary crap so I've kept this minimal! As a disclaimer I'll just say that I haven't used a maternity hospital bag before so have no idea if this is in anyway adequate, I will report back when with news from the field!

For me I packed two pairs of labour pyjamas, loose and dark for obvious reasons! I chose shorts and a vest, a knee length nightgown and light robe because I have been reliably informed that the maternity wards are roasting. I also packed some fluffy memory foam slippers for my enormous, throbbing feet! I've also got two extra pairs of navy bottoms for the morning after.

Motherhood is a wonderful time, and when it's not it a messy time! With that in mind here are the necessaries! Maternity pads which I've sprayed with witch hazel ointment (quote from BFF "there are not enough of them IN THE WORLD"), breast pads and two packets of the ugliest pants I've ever seen.

I'm not sure why I've packed make up seeing as I don't really wear it but I thought a little might make me feel human after all that exhaustion and exertion. I've got bronzer and brush, BB cream, mascara and lip colour...fancy! I've also packed a fan for aforementioned tropical ward!

Another humanising kit! Hairbrush, lip balm (all that deep breathing will be chapping no?), shower gel, the strongest deodorant available, toothpaste and mouthwash if brushing sounds too challenging!

Shampoo and conditioner, moisturiser, cleanser, tone and toothbrush There's also shower caps and coconut oil for the nipples (yay can't wait). I don't intend to stay in the hospital long enough to need these things but figured I'd be better off to have them!

Not pictured is my 'visitor' pyjamas for the next day or my going home outfit which I've packed in a separate bag and left in the car, Fred can bring it up when its needed. I'd LOVE to be able to get some cooling Perineal Pads but I can't find them for sale in the UK. If I locate them I'll add them too!

 For baby I packed a mix of baby grows and sleep suits, most lists seemed to recommend 3 of each so that's what I went with. If we're in longer than a day Fred will bring more from home but I think we're covered.

In addition to those outfits he's also got his 'First Outfit'. This is SO plain, a white onesie and baby grow, white hat, white gloves and a nappy. Elegant it is not but I'm sure his first fashion statement can wait! I packed this kit in a little bag all of its own so that when he's finally here clothing him will take zero brain power - who knows how tired we will be. Anything that makes it easier is welcome in the bag!
We've packed him two going home outfits, one for the planned birth and one for the unexpected eventuality of delivering him in the Arctic Circle...because we live in Ireland and our weather may play 'Guess the Climate' even in July!

As for nappies we packed all those in a separate bag. This tote has 24 nappies (because I don't know how much a baby poos) Water Wipes (which I've heard are useless but the midwives judge you if you don't bring them), industrial amounts of cotton wool, muslin clothes (x4), coins to feed the parking meter, snacks for me and Fred, oh and my maternity record which i heard is kinda a big deal!

And that's all! I'm going to chuck in a change of t-shirt for Fred and maybe some shorts in case he wan't to join me in the birthing bath but other than that we are GOOD TO GO!

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